Tennessee Music Pathways
American Music beats in the history of Tennessee. It started on the porches of Smoky Mountain farmers and sharecroppers in the Mississippi Delta south of Memphis. It was first recorded in Bristol, evolved through the decades moving to Studios in both Nashville and Memphis, and from the stages of Ryman Auditorium and the Grand Ole Opry House. The Tennessee Music Pathway is lined by Music History.
When the Blues & Jazz Got Married
Come and listen to the music that defines a nation. It began with Jazz in New Orleans. Then the Blues took it up along the plantations of the Mississippi. Come learn how these two distinct musical style co-mingled, moved north to the Cities after the Civil War and later combined to create Rock n’ Roll. Join us on this great adventure and get your MoJo on.
The Roots of Rock n’ Roll
To paraphrase the legendary Muddy Waters, “The Blues got married to The Jazz, and they had themselves a baby they named Rock and Roll.” This trip is a little climb down the family tree as we enjoy the heritage and a little music history from the Mississippi Delta to Graceland.